30 April 2016

Slow Start in the Garden this year ....

It's taking a long while for things to get going in the garden this year, mainly due to the cold we've experienced for much of April.

this is the problem, very cold, especially at
even inside the greenhouses....

broccoli seedlings after a month, still
several weeks away from planting out....
onions from seed, kohl rabi and carnation seeds just sprouting...

aubergine seedlings, still very small even 6 weeks 
after sowing indoors on the windowsill...
same for the sweet peppers....
melons, although they're probably OK for the time of year since
they won't be going into the cold frame until the start of June...
preparations for potting on the melons, and then 
they'll be back on the windowsill...
extra protection for the marrow, courgette,
pattison and pumpkin seeds....
first marrow seedling just poking through the surface after
nearly 3 weeks - it usually only takes around a week...

hardly any leaves yet on the apricot tree....

although the blossom's been and gone...

even fewer leaves on the plum
and no blossom yet.....
nor on the pear saplings....
carrots just starting to show after a month in the large pot...

Still, there are some things doing quite well :-

the rhubarb doesn't seem to mind the cold...
overwintered garlic now planted out...
early potatoes in pots in the greenhouse are coming along ....
tomatoes on the kitchen windowsill - they'll have to go out in the
 greenhouse this weekend, but tomato plants are quite tough...
overwintered leeks, still another few weeks
 before they'll go out into the open ground...
spinach after a winter in the cold frame, now ready for harvesting....

And we did have a nice display of spring flowers in March and early April...

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