Today's an anniversary of sorts.
In April 2013 I woke up in the early hours of a Saturday morning with my heart beating wildly and very fast, thumping hard in my chest and clearly out of rhythm. Given the history of heart disease in the family, I thought my time was up ...
I called the ambulance service on 999 but they weren't as concerned as I was (!) when I said I had no chest pain, and they told me to make my own way to the nearest hospital with an A&E department.
Once there, I was seen quite quickly, given aspirin & beta-blockers, lain on a bed and hooked up to an ECG machine. Soon afterwards, the symptoms subsided somewhat and I left the hospital late on the same morning with some further medication and an appointment at the hospital's regular Chest Pain Clinic on the next Monday, although I hadn't actually experienced any pain at all.
Another ECG at this next appointment, and then booked in for an ultrasound scan of my heart, the results of which were that my heart seemed structurally sound but I had suffered an attack of atrial fibrillation (AF or A-Fib in the medical jargon), where the chambers of the heart beat out of synch with each other. They said it could either be the start of a longer-term problem or it might never happen again.
musings on simple living, gardening, personal finance plus my projects and experiments...
21 April 2019
14 April 2019
Financial Planning - 2019 Annual Review
We've just clocked up six full years into the 'Grand Plan', so here are the usual two graphs :-
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SAVINGS POT to Mar-19 |
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SIPP POT to Mar-19 |
08 April 2019
Plum crazy ....
When we did the major landscaping works on our garden extension six years ago, one of the trees we planted at that time was a young Victoria plum tree.
It's grown into quite a substantial tree with a trunk around 125 mm (5") diameter.
However, it has never produced a single blossom in all the time it's been in the garden. Given that it was probably three years old when it was planted, it's likely now heading into its tenth year and again doesn't look as if it will blossom this spring.
It's grown into quite a substantial tree with a trunk around 125 mm (5") diameter.
However, it has never produced a single blossom in all the time it's been in the garden. Given that it was probably three years old when it was planted, it's likely now heading into its tenth year and again doesn't look as if it will blossom this spring.
the old 'Victoria' plum tree |